We ended up on the tail end of Golden Spike after running Rusty
Nail, which dumps you right off near the Golden Crack. I was surprised
by several things when we got to the crack. First of all, it didn't
seem that big at first glance, but after driving through it and
back and watching others drive through it, you can see how it
can be as tough or easy as you make it. It would definitely be
harder without being locked at both ends, and you can always take
a line through a deeper part of the crack. Second, I always imagined
the area as pretty flat, but the crack is on a wide-open slab
of sandstone that slopes fairly dramatically to the south with
great views of the Colorado.
When we first showed up there were only a few of us. Mil spotted
me through a very good line and I barely hit my rear bumper. The
whole thing is scarred with these deep gouges from vehicles that
drag a bumper getting across. I dropped into it pretty much straight
on and made it easily (though very slowly!) across. No drama,
very little air under the tires. Others, like Grant's wife Carole,
got some pretty good air! Sean Rose let his mom drive across the
crack and she made it look easy (though with 38's and monster
flex, it should be easy!)